Welcome to Ruby for All, the podcast that aims to make the Ruby programming language accessible to everyone. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, Ruby for All is here to provide you with valuable insights and information about this versatile and powerful language. Our guests are experts in their fields, and they share their experiences, tips, and tricks to help you become a better programmer. Join us as we explore the world of Ruby and how it can be used to build amazing things. 

Latest Episodes

Establishing Trust and Improving Communication at Work with Josh Goldberg

On this episode of Ruby for All, Andrew and Julie are joined by guest, Josh Goldberg, who’s an Open Source Developer and former mentor of Julie. In today’s conversatio...

Ruby Interviews & Community Building with Adrian Valenzuela

On this episode of Ruby for All, Andrew and Julie are excited to have as their guest, Adrian Valenzuela, who’s a Ruby Developer, open source contributor, and maintains...

The Agency of Learning with Dave Paola

On this episode of Ruby for All, Andrew and Julie have joining them, Dave Paola, Founder of Sierra Rails, a Ruby on Rails Software Development Agency. Today, Dave t...

We Hired a Junior Dev with Mike Munroe

On this episode of Ruby for All, Andrew and Julie welcome Mike Munroe, Co-founder of OBLSK, a Rails consultancy, who’s here today to discuss their Junior Developer App...

Career and ADHD Management with Celso De Sá

On this episode of Ruby for All, ChatGPT was down for Julie today which left her frazzled, so she brings up making pancakes, and Andrew shares his love of cooking brea...

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