The Holidays - Unleash Your Empathy and Spread Good Cheer

Julie and Andrew discuss ways to make the upcoming Holiday season enjoyable and manageable. They talk about the challenges of winter, and how companies can make this difficult time more manageable by allowing employees to choose a project to work on or working on open source projects. Andrew then shares the details of his project at Podia, which is making his holidays a lot more fun. Lastly, they share their tips for managing the season with empathy and grace.
[00:38] Julie and Andrew talk about exercising, home workouts, and video games
[06:15] The holidays are approaching and we are a little SAD. Can your GitHub commit graph be used to notice changes in mood?
[07:40] Andrew brings up the how the weather affects his mood.
[08:55] Julie finds it harder to focus when it's rainy and cold
[09:45] Find out what "Tech the Halls" is and why Andrew is really excited for December and what he will be doing at Podia this month
[11:15] Julie participated in a hackathon recently and really enjoyed it
[12:00] Do you control what you focus on at work? Andrew really likes companies that give their developers time to work on personal itches, open source, and increase their learning.
[13:30] Curious what Andrew is building for "Tech the Halls"? He describes the problem and solution to Julie.
[18:20] Julie asks about serverless functions and Andrew claims he doesn't want to talk about them before proceeding to try and explain what they are from a high level.
[20:50] We are back to talking about the holidays and how to make it more fun for your team. Small gestures can go a small way!
[23:45] It's a stressful time of year so empathy and grace are the messages that Andrew and Julie want you to spread.
[28:45] Julie asks one last question before they sign off about discussing allocating time for these types of projects with your manager



Creators and Guests

Andrew Mason
Andrew Mason
Senior Product Developer at Podia, co-host of the Remote Ruby podcast, and co-editor of the Ruby Radar newsletter
Julie J
Julie J
Software developer at Codecademy
The Holidays - Unleash Your Empathy and Spread Good Cheer
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